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“After all, hope is a form of planning. If our hopes weren’t already real within us, we couldn’t even hope them.”Gloria Steinem

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

pumpkin carols anyone?

October is almost gone and i am still having pumpkin dreams.
i love these colors and i have a challenge to finish with 3 other artist ladies , postcards of thankfulness and i am still in the  painting stage. they will not dry.... it is raining here so things will not dry. i blew out the hair dryer that was on its last leg and now in the trash  so i am  re-learning patience, again.
 even my feet stick to the hardwood floor with this much humidity in the air.

"frost is on the pumpkin,
 salt is in the air,
pumpkin headed angels 
are flying throught the air"

this little ditty came to me a decade ago while making some folk-arty figures for my Christmas Tree and i feel naked with out one around the studio the rest of the year. i painted a pumpkin on its gown and wrote out the words as well. this little dude tells a  tale of signs of winter? winter in Hawaii  as the waves build and send salt molecules into the air . he has quilted wings to lift him above the salty brine which swirls up seveal hundred feet and covers your windows and everything else .

have a great pumpkin day however you do it and God bless Charlie Brown.


Kathy said...

I love the pumpkin angel! Glad to see you're in the Studio again. How's Noodle?

sonja said...

Noodles is sleeping in a pet taxi and is scheduled to visit the local vet mid-morning today. thanks , i love all things pumpkin .glad to be back as i had a bit of a flu thing and needed rest,mostly. did you get any of this rain?

Kathy said...

We got a little rain but not nearly enough. Mostly mist. We did have an earthquake yesterday that rattled all the windows and scared the cats. It wa only a 3.9, though.

Is Noodles sick or just in for a check-up? Hope he's OK.

My Creative House said...

Sonja your pumpkin headed angels is wonderful and so is the painted pumpkin. Have a nice week.

Creative Grammie said...

Hi Sonja; I love your pumpkin head angel, so adorable!
Hugs to you!

Jan said...

I seem to have missed some of your posts. No problem over here with things drying in the house even though it is raining outside. I heat with wood so it is a very dry heat.

I love the previous posts quilts, great color combos. I have a big quilt waiting to be quilted and then I want to make some smaller lap quilts, attempting to use up some of my fabric stash which seems to be endless.

Thanks for your comments on my blog today. Kitty toes are always so sweet! Sorry you missed out on a chance at my giveaway. Maybe next time.

Visit Kjersti said...

You are one of my recipients of the "Sunshine Award". You can check out my blog on November 16th to read more about it! Thanks for a nice blog!

Pet Taxi said...
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LA Paylor said...

lovely! what mood created! I don't know how I missed this post, I get yours by email... hmmm.... anyway, pumpkin carols to you. LeeAnna

sonja said...

LA, this is a 5 year old post but fun to trot it out this time of year!~
Aloha, Sonja