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“After all, hope is a form of planning. If our hopes weren’t already real within us, we couldn’t even hope them.”Gloria Steinem

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Summertime, Summmertime!!

 i am putting my feet up for a bit ,hanging out in my hammock with a stack of uncorked books, and taking a much needed  break from all this fabric and quilting and painting and chocolate consuming with new and old friends and summer fun.
July has been one heck of a wild ride for me including my birthday and i loved every minute of it .
Quilt Hawaii  on big Island was so very great.
the Hale'iwa Arts Festival a total blast
and my painting class of yesterday ...amazing good fun.

have a great weekend and rest o' the summer.
 if you have any pictures that you took during these fun events and July surely  was chocked full of them from where i stand, i would really  love to see them . email to me as i gather myself back together to compose .