thoughtful Thursday
So Thursdays are as good as any day to be thoughtful. i have many thoughts daily
that stop me in my tracks, some that start me to ponder and just like the sound
of and although i am thoughtful daily many times, i like to zero in some days on
of and although i am thoughtful daily many times, i like to zero in some days on
something i am mentally chewing on.
Thoughtful might mean i see/think something
Thoughtful might mean i see/think something
but put no out loud words to it to anyone, so i chew on it mentally.
This Thursday i am wondering how i spend my energy and try to balance it,
This Thursday i am wondering how i spend my energy and try to balance it,
as not to give it away in anger, frustration, etc...
and rather to spend it with more wisdom like compassion
and how that just might make a difference in my day and attitude.
java rice sparrow
"Be aware of wonder.
Live a balanced life - learn some and think some and
draw and paint
and sing and dance
and play and work every day some."
Robert Fulghum
What wise words !
Be well, Sonja