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“After all, hope is a form of planning. If our hopes weren’t already real within us, we couldn’t even hope them.”Gloria Steinem

Thursday, September 27, 2018

The turning

Where has the summer gone?
 I live in the land of endless summer (to some), yet there are the subtle changes i see, smell, sense
 that tell me  it is time to turn the calendar page  once again.
the angle of the sunlight
the foliage
the way the light is seemingly cooler than it was in June
 lessening of the traffic as school reopens and tourist  thin out in the stores i shop.

Here the colors of  the harvest season  can be seen

at sunset and in the  birds of paradise framed.

here is Ruby in the sink, again
 where she like to drink moving water...

" If it fits, I sits! "