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“After all, hope is a form of planning. If our hopes weren’t already real within us, we couldn’t even hope them.”Gloria Steinem

Monday, December 6, 2021

December remember

So ,  remembering  that i had been making stars blocks of red, green and off white  fabrics randomly and stashing them in an empty valentine chocolate box during the past year,  i finally put them together and  she is now under the darning foot of my Bernina 830 record and almost finished.  The strawberry fabric you see is the backing as this is not a Christmas quilt, i did not use any Xmas fabrics, just pulled  R/G/W fabrics from my collection accumulated decades ago. Am  almost to the hand stitching the binding. part, the home stretch, and then to make a label, then she will be done . This quilt is about 54 inches square and was a bit of a wrangle under the domestic and well aged Bernina, Bernie. i do have one a bit older and she is  known as Bernadette. i name my cats, my cars,  currently Ruby Ruby, and  sewing machines that i have become fond of. My oldest singer featherweight 221 is  known as Peppy Dora" as my mom gave it to me long ago. Oh and i always sew barefooted.