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“After all, hope is a form of planning. If our hopes weren’t already real within us, we couldn’t even hope them.”Gloria Steinem

Thursday, September 24, 2015

thoughtful thursdays

Good morning!
These tiny yellow guys
 sprang up after our many rainy days and 
they look so sunny with leaves clover like leaves and tiny yellow anthurium -like flowers.
 they shimmer in the light breezes. 
They are a weed that spreads after a rain like thrown paint from a gallon can.
a great ground cover that takes the drought and occasional mowing.
perennial peanut(arachis glabrata)

Croton leaves already dressed for autumn

Some fiery spikes of a bromeliad plant
 and more bromeliad spikes reaching for the sky

Strawberry guavas shot through a window screen
strawberry guavas outside shot 

 a royal poinciana  flower.

Here Thursdays are senior citizen discount day at the  local super market.
So when i find my list i shall venture forth and shop locally, thoughtfully.
 Be well, Sonja