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“After all, hope is a form of planning. If our hopes weren’t already real within us, we couldn’t even hope them.”Gloria Steinem

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Wordless Wednesday 6/29/16

A hat full of miracles 
a sky filled with  wistful clouds....
Ain't nature Grand 
i say it out loud!


Nancy said...

Sun-warmed, fresh- yum!

LA Paylor said...

oh yes... the red with highlights... I'm looking at clouds just like that... it's like being there.

sonja said...

HI Nancy and Lee Anna, Those little jewels of tomatoes(Yes Sun-warmed, fresh- yum!) volunteered this is spring, one was in with a poinsettia plant bucket. Daily harvested now staying ahead of momma hen who has been seen doing hop ups as i have located those two now sprawling plants still on a potting table near my compost bin and small garden. Ain't Summer Grand!